Work Experience Tesco Yarra Farm Cafe Hero KHS Shop Galleries
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Work Experience
Employability is one of our 6 outcomes at Kingswode Hoe and developing skills in a working environment are vital to support this learning. We therefore have created a number of opportunities for the pupils, both in and out of the school grounds, to help them be more employable in the future.
In Year 10, pupils undertake work experience at Tesco in Highwoods and at Yarra Farm in Stanway. At Tesco, the pupils will be working on the shop floor, assisting at checkouts and working in specific areas such as the bakery.
Yarra farm is a working farm designed to feel like a work placement. The pupils support the staff in tending the animals and hep with particular building and maintenance projects when needed.
The pupils also have the chance to run Café Hero and the KHS shop in Year 10 & 11 providing the opportunity to practise valuable skills in preparation for the world of work and serve visitors, parents and carers. Pupils have also been involved in designing and making the logo and special products for the café and bake biscuits as part of this enterprise project.
Cafe Hero
Yarra Farm
KHS Shop
Each week, pupils at Kingswode Hoe School earn credits through completing work, showcasing their independence and employability skills, meeting their EHCP targets, reading and being part of our school community. Each week the credits are deposited in their own personal KHS bank account where they can be spent on activities and in our KHS Shop (including our online shop).