Our Curriculum
At Kingswode Hoe School, we have created a coherent, broad and balanced curriculum framework based on six key outcomes in order to meet the needs of our individual pupils. Needs and targets are reviewed as part of the EHCP process, which pupils, parents and carers participate in to make decisions and set next steps for the coming year. The effectiveness of our curriculum is measured by the pupils’ progress towards clearly defined outcomes (please click here to open our Assessment and Marking policy). All teachers at Kingswode Hoe School have responsibility for at least one curriculum area. Please contact school directly if you wish to discuss any aspect of our curriculum in more detail so that we can put you in touch with the right member of our teaching team.
Our dedicated staff team aim to achieve six key outcomes for pupils as they progress at Kingswode Hoe.
Our curriculum is organised into separate subject areas from key stage three upwards. It is adapted from the National Curriculum based on the needs of our pupils.
Residential trips form a key part of our school curriculum, improving independence, resilience and wellbeing.
Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence.
All pupils at Kingswode Hoe
participate in the world reknown
Duke of Edinburgh award.
Employabilty is one of our six outcomes and we endevour to provide all pupils with the skills needed to enter the world of work.
Find out about our options, the core curriculum and the accreditation on offer at Key Stage 4.